Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Open Space Surcharges. How will it affect you?

I'll start by saying that I really have no idea of this question is going to make it to the ballot or not. As of February 25 the Seekonk Land Conservation Trust is seeking signatures to place the question of creating a "Conservative Protection Act" fund on the April Ballot. This fund will create an additional tax to the property owners of Seekonk. They were seeking signatures, but I have not been able to find out if they have succeeded. Maybe if Seekonks Official website updated more than once a year the information would be on there!

But let's assume this question will be on the ballot. What does this mean for you? It means that the town will be able to collect an additional 1% to 3% of your property value in taxes. The SLCT has stated that they are looking for a 1.25% increase in property taxes. Here are the estimated numbers:

House Value Cost

100,000 $15.00

200,000 $30.00

300,000 $43.00

500,000 $73.00

Keep in mind the above numbers are factored in at 1.25%. If the rate were to be increased to the max 3% the average cost for a $300,000 home would be anywhere between $125 -$150. The 1.25% does not seem like a lot, but remember this is in addition to the annual increase of your property taxes. So if they go up 100 dollars like the average Seekonk home did this year, they will really go up $150.

I don't like taxes. Who does right? I am also a big fan of nature. But....I don't like taxes. And I don't think it is fair to ask our citizens...scratch...mandate our citizens to pay out of pocket for discretionary spending. If the citizens of Seekonk wish to volunteer their time and money...or donate land...that is their own individual right. Because where does it end? Every year in town this town some fee is going up. Trash fees go up, trash bags go up, property taxes go up; everything goes up. Furthermore how many Prop 2 1/2 exclusions are we paying for at the moment? So now, we the tax payers, need to foot the bill for the pet projects of others? I don't think so!


Anonymous said...

Any person who pays ATTENTION can see the hypocrisy of these two gentlemen, especially Michael Brady. They should send their "Priority List" to David Letterman's top ten, instead of the voters of Seekonk. Mrs. Bragg is being taken for a fool. I pity her.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind the law states that a portion of the new tax has to go to lower income housing so you will be doing away with some sub divisions but you will be gaining lower income housing which they are now calling "affordable housing." Out with the $500,000 new homes, in with the projects.