Wednesday, January 21, 2009

D'Amico is a sham

D'Amico asking legal counsel about not taking the bonus pay raise is bogus. Since when has Beacon Hill followed its constitution? I bet he has given little if any of his $60K a year salary to charities in his district. He should give the 5.5% or over $3K raise to the charities as well as another $3K from his already existing salary. He gets mileage, plus medical, plus other money for attending sessions. He needed a job and that is why he probably ran. He has probably never earned so much money. His son has a free ride to Brown University as well. I'm sure his asskissing of the school department over the years didn't hurt in precurring good grades for the kid and ultimately the free tuition to Brown.
People have inferred that he is not well liked at all on Beacon Hill, either by DiMasi or the Governor. He has no allies or power up there.
He was on a kick to get the studio in Plymouth turned down and to scare away film and TV in MA. Maybe he was on his high horse so they would pay him off to back off? Either way, he has done little if anything to help his communities. Maybe he will back another 2 1/2 override. He suggested it in Rehoboth. He is a socialist who never made it in business world and now wants business to pay for his failures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget which presidental candidate D'amico campaigned for. Edwards? Now thats good judgement!! NOT!!!