Friday, July 17, 2009

On Revolution

In early June of this year I had the privilege of watching the 3rd grade class at the George R. Martin school in Seekonk put on a play about the American Revolution.

As I watched the kids dance around on stage I couldnt help but wonder if these kids really undertsood the significance of what they were performing. Did the teachers even understand or was the concept of the events that sparked the American Revolution just empty words and stories from a long ago?

It really is amazing, when you think about it, how quickly America has squandered it's good fortune, killed it republic, and turned it in to the very thing we faught to vanquish.

233 years since our forefathers declared their independence from tyrany; if America fell tommorrow it would probably not even register more than a footnote in history as an expiremental nation that failed in such a short period of time. It was not defeated by a foriegn enemy. No missles touched it's soil. Instead it collapse in on itself to the delight and glea of all freedom hating nations accross the world.

"They tax our tea, our iron, our cotton!" those 3rd graders sang. What did King George have on our current government? In 2009 the government will have spent almost 40% of our GDP. They spend barely 3% before the Geat Depression. People earning over the 100 thousand dollar a year threshold are losing almost 40% of their income to state and federal taxes. Then factor in the sales tax, the excise tax, the property tax, the sin tax, and then the variouse fees and surcharges that local governments collect. New York City residence are estimated to lose over 60% of their income to taxes.

This is far from the America we would have known has we been alive a meer 233 years ago. This America is not what the founding fathers envisioned for us when they framed the constitution. To quote Jeff Schreiber of Americas Right, "Our framers founded this nation knowing less about what they wanted America to be than what they never wanted her to become."

The time has come for a new American Revolution. We don't need to march in the streets with guns to achieve this. All we need is our voices shouting loud and clear and in unison to "Get Out!" We need to write to the papers and let the masses know that we are here, and we are mad as hell! We need to call our Senators, the White House, Post Signs in our front yard. We need to vote, we need to show up where these lunatics give their 50 thousand dollar speeched and heckle them. We need to run for office. We need to donate money to the candidates that run on freedom and liberty as their message. We need to organize.

"It seemed to me that all over the world intelligent people were waking up to the indignity and absurdity of being endangered, restrained, and impoverished, by a mere uncritical adhesion to traditional governments, traditional ideas of economic life, and traditional forms of behaviour, and that these awaking intelligent people must constitute first a protest and then a creative resistance to the inertia that was stifling and threatening us. These people I imagined would say first, "We are drifting; we are doing nothing worth while with our lives. Our lives are dull and stupid and not good enough."

It seemed to me that as, one after another, we woke up, that is what we would be saying. It amounted to a protest, first mental and then practical, it amounted to a sort of unpremeditated and unorganized conspiracy, against the fragmentary and insufficient governments and the wide-spread greed, appropriation, clumsiness, and waste that are now going on. But unlike conspiracies in general this widening protest and conspiracy against established things would, by its very nature, go on in the daylight, and it would be willing to accept participation and help from every quarter. It would, in fact, become an "Open Conspiracy," a necessary, naturally evolved conspiracy, to adjust our dislocated world."


Anonymous said...

Mike, as recently as the 1980s, tax rates on the richest Americans were very high. See here:

From 1950 to 1963, considered a Golden Age in American history, they were 90+%. The US was the most prosperous country in the world then:


Michael said...

Hey Wendy,

Yes the tax rates have been higher, and the results were the same. Reagan lowered taxes to pull us out of a recession...granted he also grew the deficit, but we were in the middle of a cold war....deficit or nuclear war?? I'll take the deficit.

Incomes were far different in the 1950's and 60' taxing someone making 500k a year a 50% was like taxing Bill gates today...and even today there is only one bill gates. IN 1950 you could buy a house for 10K, a car for 1.5k....a good one too.

Today the money supply is incredibly inflated, so is the cost of living. 250K is not a lot of money to be taxed an additional at 60% in some cases.

And to be fair...leaders on both sides of the isle throughout our contries history have decided it was fair to tax the "rich" more, but only Obama has been so bold as to say that it is their duty, and they should be levied additional taxes to pay for specific services that others do not have.

That's not America.

Michael said...

I'll add one other thing these tax rate chart do not show is the rates and numbers of additional taxes and fees that are levied against a citizen now. It is one thing to fork over 50% of your salary if every tax you pay is very low, or does not exist at all.

I have longed maintained that there is no such thing as a tax cut, because the underlying issue in this country is spending; from the federal government straight on down to the town of Seekonk. If the federal government cuts taxes, but the states do not cut spending, then they have to raise their income tax rate, or tolls, or fees to offset the difference. Same goes for towns if the states decide to cut taxes.

Like the posts says...pull out your paystub and look at the money you lose before you even cash the check, not add in our soon to be 6.5% sales tax, or excise tax, our property tax, our garbage fee, out Community Preservation Surcharge, the sin tax that will soon expand to hotdogs and soda...I doubt they had those in Americas golden age....