Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Is Martha Coakley a Socialist?

Oh no, not the Socialist rant again! Sorry dear friends, but if the shoe must be a duck.

While Martha Coakley may not be a Socialist, she has certainly aligned herself with them by way of a group called Emily's List.

Before Miss Coakley was able to gain their support however she had to flip flop on her death penalty stance, because Emily's list will not support anyone who supports Capital Punishment.

Now who or exactly is Emily's list? To quote their own website they are "dedicated to building a progressive America by electing pro-choice Democratic women to office." They also have stated that their "immediate focus is to make sure President Obama has the strong Democratic majorities he needs to enact his progressive agenda."

So there you have it. Oh, and for those of you who don't know, "Progressive" is just a hipper way of saying "Communist".

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