Sunday, February 7, 2010

D'Amico Disses paying Taxes

In an interview done by Janet Wu of Channel 5 News Boston, ( Some State Reps Pay Little Or No Federal Income Tax - Boston News Story - WCVB Boston ) the incumbent State Rep. Steven D'Amico, admitted that he personally took advantage of a special federal tax deduction given to MA state representatives who live greater than 50 miles from the Statehouse. According to MapQuest, Rep. D’Amico barely qualifies at 50.83 miles.

When prodded, D’Amico admitted that he paid no federal taxes in 2007 or 2008, saying he didn't want to look "a gift horse in the mouth." For someone who campaigned vigorously on closing corporate loopholes, we find it quite hypocritical that he would find a way to use one of these "loopholes" for his own personal benefit.

HELLO, he was elected to represent us, not himself. In less than two terms, he has quickly become what he once criticized.

What we have gotten from him these past three years is nothing more than dribbled up diatribe! He has worked to squeeze more money out of us while he has taken a substantial increase in salary...has gotten mileage paid for his "long" haul to Boston... has told his staff to take furlough's... has voted to raised sales/meals/ cigarette taxes and voted to instituted a liquor tax. And now this? This man wrote the eulogy to the hypocrite's oath! What more can you ask for?

We, the voters of MA need to send a clear message to D'Amico and his socialist friends on November 2nd, 2010… take a long hike and don’t come back any time soon!


Bear said...

This commentary is so distorted! Steve D'Amico has been a dedicated state representative who has stood up for the average citizen in his district. He is an intelligent and caring representative who has made himself available to his constituents and worked to take care of their needs. The tax deduction law being talked about here is a federal law that applies to all state legislators in all 50 states. Why would anyone want to make it seem as though Rep. D'Amico has done anything wrong? I can only conclude that anyone who would distort things in this unfair way is doing so for some personal gain or because they have some partisan agenda. Steve D'Amico is up for re-election this year, and I encourage anyone who has any questions about him to contact him personally. For the sake of the average citizen, Steve needs to be re-elected.

Paul Buckley said...

Your missing the point. He campaigned on closing loopholes, but when they benefit him, that's OK.
And yes...this is a partisan agenda!

Anonymous said...

Let me understand this, he got an over $3000.00 raise, which he said he could not give back, so he is getting somewhere about $65,000.00 plus he gets money for travel and then he takes the deduction so he doesn't have to pay any Federal Income Taxes, isn't that called DOUBLE DIPPING? He is stealing money from the taxpayers! I gree with Paul, even his website talked about closing down the "LOOPHOLES". I guess it doesn't apply to him. It is all about how much maney he can make!