Friday, March 26, 2010

What's Next?

In Today's Story in the Sun Chronicle Rep. D'Amico says he is finally giving up his quest to end the state's tax credit program for the film industry. Saying, "Once you start giving out money and build a constituency for that money, it's tough to take it away." OK...if he knew this all along, why did he waste our time and taxpayer money fighting for this?
When Mr. D'Amico became our Representative, he said "growing the state's economy is one of his priorities this year." He would also work on bills that would create more State revenue.

Well, we all know he worked to raise taxes to bring in more revenue...but as his web site states; he is not working for the district he represents.

Rep. D’Amico’s 2009-2010 Legislation:
Transparency and Accountability in Economic Development Spending (H333)
An Act establishing seventeen year-old primary voting (H568)
Dark Skies (H3064)
An Act to promote small plot farming in the Commonwealth (H715)
An Act relative to towing storage (H234)
An Act relative to optometrists (H2036)
An Act providing for distinctive registration plate for firefighters (H3191)

Do these look like bills that will bring back jobs to our community? Are these growing our economy? I do not think so...As the article states, "he has often been a lonely voice against the tax credit,D’Amico said he will now move on to other causes such as demanding more transparency in the Legislature's budget." The lonely voice continues on...

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