Thursday, January 10, 2008

Romney plans for Michigan

Mitt Romney declined Wednesday to say he would win his home state’s Feb. 5 primary, which the former governor’s campaign is forecasting will be a decisive date for what they hope will be his come-from-behind effort.

Romney said he planned to spend all his time after tonight’s South Carolina debate in Michigan, but refused to call it a must-win... While Romney was raising money in Boston, New Hampshire victor John McCain was already in Michigan by Wednesday morning.

Reacting to polls showing that voters believe he was the most negative GOP candidate, Romney said, “I’ve got a positive message. I’m certainly going to point out differences on issues between myself and other candidates, and I recognize that’s a big part of politics. I know there are some people who’d say that you really should never point out differences between yourself and your opposition. I just don’t think that’s right in politics. But certainly we’ll keep our own counsel on the nature of our ads going forward,” he said.

Question is, if he does not think it is right in politics to be negative...why did he do it? People were not pointing to his ads being about differences between the candidates..they were telling him that they were negative. He probably should have waited until South Carolina before even thinking about going negative. Now he is behind... and it will be a tough road trying to just get his "positive message"out!

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