Sunday, February 3, 2008

Super Tuesday

Here we are after Iowa, New Hampshire, Wyoming, South Carolina, Nevada, Florida and Maine.

John McCain has been able to three primaries, one of them in "Republican only" Florida. Mitt Romney's campaign has only been able to win one primary and three caucuses, all-open.

Romney's strategy would make sense if he really was a true conservative and a consistent conservative. But for nearly a dozen years prior to deciding to run for President, Mitt was very clearly a moderate Republican with barely a smattering of conservative views and an equal number of liberal views.

John McCain's difficulties in selling himself to GOP voters reflect his many liberal lurches over the years. From taxes to free speech, prescription drugs and global warming cap and trade. Republicans have a pretty good sense of where he might betray them. Yet few doubt that on other issues including national security and spending. McCain will stick to his principles no matter the opinion polls.

The polls hold for McCain in 10 of the delegate rich states including California, New York and Georgia. Romney has a lead in Massachusetts, but he been losing ground in the last few days. Then there is Utah and Idaho. Most disingenuous to me is that Mitt has been asking Mike Huckabee to bow out of the race and let it be a two-man race. Obviously Huckabee is going no where. Romney's attack ads against him have proven to be a thorn for him. Huckabee is going all the way to take conservative votes away. As I have said in the beginning, Romney's strategy hurt him. Now we will have a race between McCain against Obama or Hillary. Not going to call the Dems yet!

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