Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Where we Stand on the National Front

First I apologize for being silent for a while. Myself and my kids seems to be passing one virus after another between ourselves so I have had my ands full of Kleenex and cold medicine for the last month or so. Further more things have been moving so quickly on the National political front that by the time I sat down to analyze the information, the story lines were changing.

I guess in one sense it is good that I have not had a chance to put anything in writing, because all of my predictions would have proven incorrect. So I will try and piece everything together from the campaigns, to global events and what things might look like for us in the future.

But "oh Happy Day!" Looks at the choices we have for President! We have John McCain on the Republican side who (I believe)as time goes on is going to get called out on his level of hypocrisy ranging from the Keating Five Scandal to the NY Times Article to his attempt to back out of Publicly Financing his campaign , something he championed. Maybe it has to do with all of the deals and money and support he is getting from lobbyists during his current Presidential Campaign that his causing him to backpedal. Sorry John, but you can't make me believe for one second that you can dine with the enemy and say you oppose everything to stand for. I believe you said it best when you were blasting Mitt Romney, and I quote "If you wrestle with a pig you both get mud on you". Sounds about right to me. And let us not forget the famous "I hate the gooks statement". I'm sure I could go on and on.

Not that the Democrats are any better. I'm just being hardest on McCain because he "Represents" my political party. But do I really need to go into the list of lies and cover-ups related to Hillary Clinton? I think not!

Why do I bring this up? Because the mantra this year for every candidate on the campaign trail has been "change".

"We need change"
"I am going to change"
"Health Care needs change"
"We need Change in tax codes"
"We need spending change"
"We need an attitude change"
"we need to change how we do trade"

What the hell is change? Today I am healthy and happy. Tomorrow I may not be. That's change, but it's not good change. Not exactly the change I was looking for.

Yeah, we need change. We need politicians like the above stated and the hundreds that have come before them to get off their butts and go home so we can bring in some new blood and really get things done. What did Clinton campaign on in 1992? Health care. What did he campaign on in 1996? Health care and Taxes. What did Bush campaign on in 2000? Health care and Social Security and Taxes. What did he campaign on in 2004? Health care and Social Security and Taxes and Terrorism. What will the Candidates be campaigning on this year? Health care, Social Security, taxes, terrorism and the War.

Same problems, different year...same results....nothing.

But's hard work.

I know it must seem like all I do is rant about the political machine, and to a point I do. But not because I hate politics, or even hate politicians. I just believe that we have reached a point in our history that the Founding Fathers never intended us to go. I believe that the government is supposed to be by the people and for the people, not run by the same powerful few.

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