Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nothing for our $

Did you expect anything else?

As we watch our elected official fumble and babble municia about why he should take his 5.5% pay raise, I ask if you expected anything less. This was the individual that at town meeting always was voting to raid free cash and stabilization to be the hero. But now that he is in a position to try to get us more, the results are no surprise. He blames Bush and Washington, but do we not have a total Democratic representation there as well as our legislature and Governor here at home? According to them should we not be much better off? Mr. Damico was always good at spending other peoples money in Town, and now he has moved to the state level where the well is dry and getting drier, except for his pay raises. He can lash out at his critics but he chose this path, it was so much easier doing it to others, but now we can all enjoy him fumbling about while state aid gets cut but he does better

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