Monday, February 2, 2009

To Be; Or Not To Be...

I am annoyed right along with all the watchdog groups out there pointing out all of the corporate extravagance going on by companies that have received government bailout cash. However the companies wasteful spending does not bother me as much as the direction I see the watchdog groups and the government taking us, which is basically the complete acquisition of the private sector into the new socialist state under the guise of protecting the "tax payers money". 

"You are wasting the taxpayers money, so if you want more; you better do as we say." The wimpy CEO's not wanting to give up their lavish lifestyles fold. It's still greed, just of a different nature, and a different revenue stream.

I say if the goal is to protect the tax payers money, then Corporate America should never have been given OUR money in the first place, but since they did get it, and they appear to continue squandering it; cut them off!

But no no, the government will put up its fake fight, with a fake slap on the wrist, and a fake "warning, and then happily continue to purchase the private sector right out from under the American People with their own money. The CEO's won't notice, they'll be cruising around in their new Porsche' 911. It's hard to notice anything at the speeds those babies can achieve

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