Friday, March 20, 2009

Congressional Democrats Were for Them Before They Were Against Them

There must be something very special in that kool-aid they are drinking over on Capital Hill, because that can be the only explantion for the behvior of the Democratic Congress.

First Senator Chriss Dodd crafts the loophole that allows AIG employees to get their bonuses, bonuses that mind you were guarenteed by the most of these employees contracts, then Congress passes a Bill to tax 90 -100 percent of those bonuses.

Some of you may be saying, "Justice has been served, they didn't deserve that money in the first place.". They may not have deserved it, but you should be vary wary indeed when Congress starts using taxes as a weapon.

This new administration has made it clear that they have declared war on the rich in this country. In doing so they have decided that anyone who makes more money than they think is neccessary they are going to tax the proverbial crap out of them.

"We don't like you." - Tax increase

"You have more money than you will ever need." - Tax Increase

Since when was it the governments business to control the payroll decisions of private companies? They cannot even manage their own budget and they want to manage the budget of corporate America? Sure they are giving out our tax money, but you know what? We told them not to. We told them to let these companies who have poor business models and practiced recklessly to fail. But they gave them the money anyway, and then act shocked when they continue the same practices that got them into this mess in the first place.

If my company wants to give me a 2 million dollar bonus even though they only have 1.8 million in the bank. That is their decision, and their funeral. So be it....that will be the last check they sign.

The problem is that the primary players on both sides of the isle are waist deep in the bureaucratic muck that they don't even know which hand they are supposed to be spanking and which hand is feeding them anymore.

We can only pray that their is a mass injection of new blood in 2010 that can help stear this train wreck back onto the tracks, or this country is going to be in very, very tough shape.

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