Friday, March 20, 2009

D'amico is an idiot!
He blames the Republicans for the past 16 years. The democratically controlled legislature of taxachusetts, that has been in control since the British left many years ago, has been overriding any budgets put forth by the Republicans. He is trying to justify his yes vote on taxing anything and everything, under his property tax lowering governor! Like the huge pay raises for the 2 sherriffs put forth yesterday, the huge job salary of 2 new pike hires, and of course the $175,000.00 salary to a position that has not been filled in 12 years, under the Rep. administrations. But that is the GOP's fault! Moron. His liberal spending of eveyone else's money is the reason we are where we are! It is his great party that is passing laws to pay huge bonuses to AIG executives, his party that has spent probably in excess of 3 trillion dollars, and he talks about the GOP mortgaging our future. Ask him what he has done since being elected, nothing! Oh forgive me, he has mastered stuffing that snout of his into the trough, the one that paid him a 5.5% raise to tell all the Towns he represents they are getting less money! He is the problem, not a solution to the problem. I do have to congratulate him though for one thing, keep talking you are showing how much of an idiot you trully are.

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