Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Anonymous said...

"I think it lacks common sense to vote based on a candidate's willingness or
ability to attend one community forum. It almost smells of a set up.This is
Seekonk. Not Rehoboth.If I am not mistaken, Donald K. is or was a member of the
Republican committee. This forum, I thought, was suppose to be a non-partisan
effort to address town issues. You lose credibility with the "read between the
lines" endorsement of Mrs K."

I will say this, we had commitments from more than Mr. Cavaco regarding selectman that would attend. While I did not expect all of them to attend, the fact that only Mr. Cavaco did, AND the fact that Richardson showed up, stood in the back and then left after reading the agenda, speaks volumes towards the BOS's willingness to engage the Residents.

The SRTC was in contact with the BOS for a good month prior to the meeting, the TA even put the meeting in his weekly report. And still...only one showed up. Only one, but 4 out of 5 SC members along with SD members and a variety of department heads and committee members took the time to attend. So I do not think I am out-of-line or risking my credibility by suggesting that people vote for the leaders (or prospective leaders) who actually did take the time to engage the residents.

Having said that, since I wrote this piece, the SRTC has issued it's endorsement of Dave and Victoria. I however have since retraced my endorsement of Mrs. K. and relayed that to the SRTC as they were making their endorsement decisions.

The fact remains that the majority of the SRTC wants her elected regardless of her attendance of the Open Forum (which mind you only three members of the SRTC attended, myself included).

I do still intend to vote for Dave Parker. I have not decided on who my second candidate will be.


Anonymous said...

If the event was not within weeks of the 4/06 election, I probably would understand where you are coming from. Right now, the event could easily be construed as politically motivated.

I will be voting for Dave Parker. I still don't know if I should vote for Whelan or Turner. No way for Kinniburgh.

Michael said...

Well it think anyone who disagrees with us can and will say they it was politically motivated; which is why we went out of our way when we planned the event to stay as neutral as possible.

Had it been politically motivated I could easily have left out questions or topics I did not support or agree with. The CPA is a perfect example. I do not support it, but I made sure that it was on the agenda because it is an important issue in town.

You can't please everyone all the time. All you can do is your best to get everyone together and talking. I think the forum did accomplish that.

yasemin said...

Are you serious about this stuation? maynet